And here it is, in all its glory. Finished size is just over 50" by just over 60".

And here are the wishes...first up, Spirit, Hope and Peace:

Joy and Kindness:

Grit and Patience:

Grace, Love and Humor (though my Aussie friends tell me I've misspelled it!):

Then there's the back:

This was just such a fun quilt to make. I almost hated to see it end. BTW, DON'T embiggen might be shocked at how really bad I am at free-motion quilting...
Love the view from your place - we have a view of the apartments across the path.
Doesn't it feel WONDERFUL to complete something?
I hear your ROAR!
Your views look similar to ours when the trees are in leaf and the sun is shining.
I am just finishing a baby quilt for my grandson who will be born in March but it is no where near as nice as this.