The Top is Finished, With Wishes!

And here it is, in all its glory: Doing the wishes using Tonya's techniques was SO much fun! I learned a lot...don't use fabrics that are too busy or you won't be able to read the words. Ask me how I know! I had to remake Spirit because you absolutely couldn't tell what it said, and even so, the new fabric I chose still isn't the strongest.
And I was able to use up a bit of fabric by just using 11" squares of many of the fabrics used in the blocks for the backing:

And see that orphan block in the top left of the pic? That will actually be the bottom right of the back of the quilt, and I'll use that block as the label, just adding the text I want.
So now, it's off to the LQS to pick up some batting, and the final phase begins. I've chosen a wonderful diagonal stripe fabric for the has all the colors from the quilt top. And I'm thinking either an all-over fairly nonfussy meander for the quilting, or possibly a wavy grid...what do you think? It's such a busy top I don't want to add much more...


dot said…
Great quilt. I really like it.
Libby said…
It looks great! I love it *s*
McIrish Annie said…
you did a fabulous job! I would use the meander. The words look great!
Clare said…
Its great. I love it. Your letters are beautiful. I too have learnt my lesson about letters and fabrics.

On the quilting front, I'd go for a meander too.
Mary Johnson said…
This is great! I've decided to give up on the pieced letters for my HeartStrings quilt and use the one's I've already made as part of the backing. I'm impressed that you stuck with it and did them all.
Lily Mulholland said…
A big well done to you! And I love that you are using up your orphan block in that way too. Clever you!
Carol said…
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. And great backing using up the leftovers.
Tonya Ricucci said…
fantastic!!! you did a great job - I love it.
I love the quilt - it is soooo colorful!
hi...i came over from tonya's blog....wonderful quilt!
Anonymous said…
It's just wonderful!!
Diane said…
I found you through Tonya's link. Your quilt is fabulously unique ~ well done!
Anonymous said…
Darling quilt, Dianne. And I 'specially love when the back is interesting too--and uses up fabric scraps in the bargain. Yeah, easy does it with the quilting. Your design is the star of the show.
Anonymous said…
Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous, Dianne. I love the wishes too.

I vote for meander quilting if you are up for it. I know it can be tiring on a quilt of any size, but it looks so special.
Anonymous said…
i agree your idea ! very nice blog

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