
Showing posts from May, 2008

You CAN Go Home Again...

We're in, at last! Gorgeous weather on Friday meant we could have a crew there bringing our stuff from the shed over to the house, even though the driveway (STILL!) isn't finished. Some guys wore shoes and schlepped through muck to bring stuff over, while others in socks delivered things to the appropriate rooms. In parallel, the carpet layers were putting carpet into the bedrooms, hallways and my quilting studio. What a performance! By late afternoon all was in, and we were exhausted. No pics yet of the lived-in house because it's all still too disorganized, but here's how it looked before we moved in...first up, the new kitchen: Here's me standing where the new barstools will go, once we find some tall enough. That end of the room will also have our dining table and chairs. And this is from the kitchen, looking toward the view end of the living room. Once I can find places to put everything I'll post again...I KNOW you want to see my new quilting stu...

Will They Will, Or Will They Won't?

Hmmm, so I was tagged by Dorothy to resurface with 7 random facts about myself. But first, a word to explain my absence. As you know, we've been in the middle of a huge remodel and extension project. Well guess what? We're supposed to move back in this Friday. I'm very skeptical, though, because there are still a raft of things needing doing to the house, and not enough workmen turning up when expected to make them happen. For instance, here's what our driveway looks like at the moment: On the other hand, here's how the house looks on the view side: Wish the other side of the house looked this good! Still, someday it will be finished and we will actually live there again! This has NOT been an experience I would wish to repeat, though. It's our third building project, and believe me, if this had been the first, there would NEVER have been a second! Can you spell High Blood Pressure? How about Stress? Or even Depression?! Nearly there, though... So, on to my 7 ra...