Saying Goodbye to Another Old Friend

We've had a tough couple of years with our little furry friends, and the time has come to say goodbye to little Cassie: She was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago, but had been responding quite well to her insulin injections. We boarded her at the vet for this trip to California, so they could continue the insulin therapy. Sadly, a few days ago she began to be quite ill, listless, not eating, and uninterested in her surroundings. Investigation revealed a large mass in her abdomen, and this morning we got the news that the end had come for her. They have been keeping her comfortable with morphine, a heated igloo, hand-fed treats when they could get her to eat. But the time has come to say goodbye. Here's the little darling in earlier days, as a spry young cat in the Sierra Foothills, lounging on top of her favorite perch: Cassie was a stray, found wandering the streets of the small Gold Country town of Sutter Creek in 1997. We adopted her ...