Nearly Finished!

It was a productive week, I'm happy to say! Realized at some point that there's no floor space that's safe to pin on and large enough for a queen-size quilt inside the house. So...a couple of days ago I set myself up in the garage after carefully sweeping up any dust and dirt. It was freezing out there! Worked out pretty well, though. Here's "Life is a Promise, Fulfill It", and all the layers stretched out and ready for pinning. Before I started the layering process, I decided to try to get one shot of the entire quilt top, for posterity. Not easy...had to perch on a ladder and it still isn't really satisfactory. I need a design wall!
Back in the house, after all the hours of pinning, sore knees, sore fingers, but that quilt is all pinned together!

Here's how I reworked the top border to balance Katie's name a bit.
Y.esterday and today I cloistered myself in the sewing room and got the entire top quilted! Hooray! Also got the binding strips prepared, so tomorrow I will sew those on and start on the hand sewing of the folded-over edge.
This baby is nearly ready for its new owner.
Another BIG thanks to Tonya...I needed to swat up on the wonky letter instructions again when I did these borders. I'm really happy with how they turned out!


Katharina said…
I love everything about this quilt, Dianne! The colors, the sayings, the wonky letters, it is all glorious. I am also impressed with your determination to get it quilted in a day or so. Congratulations on a magnificent job. Katie must be special to you.
Tonya Ricucci said…
fantastic, Dianne!!!! this quilt is so lovely and the sayings are wonderful. bright and happy. you did so great!
Oh, what a nice quilt.
It is amazing how different quilts look on a bed.
Good for you.
Jenny said…
Dianne, the quilt is just stunning... You are a very very talented quilter! The balance around 'Katie Rose' looks fantastic - a good decision, I agree!

Katie Rose is a very lucky little girl!

xox Jen
Jenny said…
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Mary Johnson said…
Wow, you did it! Even the quilting and I'm so impressed. I'm sure she's going to love it!
yarnivorous said…
Hey, good going! Maybe you need nice thickly quilted knee pads?
I don't have a big enough space here even to tape down the backing for a "craft size" quilt. Luckily the local quilt shops are just busting for me to come to their place and do it there! (Of course I'll buy the batting there too rather than cheaply at joann's.)
Jan said…
Oh, what a great quilt, Dianne!! I know what you mean about finding a big enough space to pin out a queen sized quilt...difficult in your average sized house!!
Janet said…
I came via Tonya. I love this quilt. The wonky letters and what they say adds so much. I too was inspired by Tonya and her tutorial to add lettering to my "Princess Lily" quilt (in April).
Anonymous said…
What a great finish. :o) A lovely, cheery quilt. Love the sayings in the borders too.

Teri said…
What a beautiful quilt. I am sure it feels great to make it to the finish line. Your color choices are perfect.
Rosalyn Manesse said…
A color scheme and everything--you've got everything going at once
Lynda said…
Pink, but not sickly! A fabulous quilt.
Shelina said…
It looks great - I have a fondness for pinkness lately.

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