Quilts and Shawls, Oh My!

Well, woo-hoo! Yesterday I finished piecing the words for Katie Rose's quilt, at last. I forgot to take a picture of the entire center section when it was spread out on the guest bed, and we've got company coming any moment, so a pic of the full center will have to wait until tomorrow...but here it is with the center section folded up and pieces of the light pink border fabric laid out around the edges, so I could make sure the phrases are going to fit along the sides. Looks like they will! I'm hoping all these words in the border won't make it looke like it's from the Ransom Note School of Quilting! Now the hard part comes: sewing each letter to its tiny piece of background fabric, allowing for extra space between words, and then adding the extra border strips to top and bottom of the phrases so the overall quilt size will be correct. Not to mention deciding what to do about the backing...and THEN there's the actual quilting. Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep this momentum going and finish this quilt by the 29th, when we leave again for California.

And I have an actual FO to show, too: the Adamas Shawl is finished and here's the proof. All up, I think it ended up taking about 1200 beads, size 8/0, and that was a real exercise in patience! I like the effect though - especially as the beads add just a bit of weight to the outside edge, making the shawl drape very nicely. So, I pressed DH into service this morning for a bit of a photo shoot.

All in all, it was really a fun shawl to knit. Next up will be a very dark purple, almost black, mohair blend, with more beads, but I need a break from beading for awhile, first!
No pics yet of the new cardigan, Amused, but that's going well, too. I started the second sleeve this morning, so it will be finished this week for sure. Pics next time!


Mary Johnson said…
The shawl is gorgeous and I love the beading.

I also love the pieced letters on quilts but I found I wasn't so fond of piecing them myself. Good luck on getting this all done in time!
Clare said…
Great letters.

Lovely shawL I like the beading.
Bells said…
Oh yes. Gorgeous. Adding beads looks lovely - I loved knitting this shawl too - yours is much bigger than mine, you must have kept going long after I stopped. Fabulous!

And the quilt is so pretty!
pat said…
A gorgeous shawl Dianne! (and nice photo shoot - tell your husband - good job!)
I've never put beads on anything YET - but I'd love to give it a try!
yarnivorous said…
Heh. The quilt is cute - hope it is going well! And the shawl is lovely.

Love that last shot of the shawl - so elegant!
Carol said…
Absolutely exquisite, I'm in awe.

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