On the Road Again...
It's been a fun trip so far, with several lovely days in Los Angeles, visiting family and friends. However, yesterday has to have been the trip from hell... Left the hotel for LAX at 7:30 AM, for a 9AM departure to Detroit via Chicago. Late departure of one hour...no biggie. In Chicago, we boarded a small jet for the flight to Detroit, but after sitting on board for half an hour or so the flight was cancelled due to a mechanical failure. Scramble to assemble coats, laptops, rollaboards, race out to the Concourse (C), get info on next flight to Detroit, race to Concourse B to line up for that plane. Clever DH called on his cellphone to secure seat assignments, so our seats are at least confirmed. Waiting, waiting, waiting to board, when I noticed my purse was missing! Panic and consternation, DH implores gate agent to check with maintenance on the scrubbed flight. She reports it may take awhile, and my best chance to recover purse is to remain in Chicago while she tries to tr...