Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jog!

A long, uneventful trip home, and all is well, I'm happy to say! The cats were overjoyed to be released from their captivity in the chook house and yard, and seem to have forgiven us for being gone. There has been significant rain, so the paddocks are all green and the donkeys are fat and sassy...ditto the steers.

Wireless connection came up with a minimum of fiddle (by DH, NOT by me!), and I'm happy to be connected. Now for a couple of good sleeps and I'll be human again. They've raised the price of upgradable economy tickets... again! ...to a horrendous level, and even at that ridiculously high price there is no guarantee of an actual upgrade, so we opted to be squished into economy for the nearly 14 hour flight. But who's complaining (well, actually...me!)

Very hot and sunny when we got here, but it's now thundering and clouding over nicely...hope it isn't just a tease. We could still use a lot more rain.

Don't think I'd better contemplate the Bernina until I'm a bit less lagged...my eyeballs seem to be spinning!


Lily Mulholland said…
Welcome home Dianne :)

Wait till you fly economy to Europe!
Sweet P said…
It's always nice to be home again. Too bad you had to spend the filght in economy class. I think I would go crazy if I had to sit in economy for that long.
Rian said…
Those cats may be trying to lull you into a false sense of security. I wouldn't buy it for one second.
Libby said…
Glad it was a safe journey -- get some rest.
Anonymous said…
Glad you had an uneventful return trip. You were due! We flew 9 hrs. to Denmark last year in economy and vowed never again. Don't know how you stood 14. In the 13 years we've been traveling to Europe, seats have gotten smaller and closer until it's truly claustrophobic. Add the warmer cabin temps (we were sweating) because the cooler the air the greater the fuel consumption, and it equaled true misery by the time we got there. DH said "never again" and I hopefully added, "in economy" but that was possibly wishful thinking on my part.
Mary Johnson said…
ugh...14 hours in coach? That sounds painful!
Clare said…
Hi Dianne - welcome home. By the sounds of things you won't be doing that flight again for quite sometome. We sometimes fly Ryan Air from Limoges to Stansted, UK and that really is "pile it high and sell it cheap". Knees up round your chin, unable to stretch and for an hour and 45 minutes it is just enough to drive yone mad! Not enough space to swing a cat in (sorry).
Tonya Ricucci said…
Hurrah, kitties out of jail. Glad you made it home safely.
Anonymous said…
Great work.

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