Happy New Year's Eve, Everyone...

Here's the latest kniting effort. It's actually all sewn together now, but sadly it's a bit small. I'm going to try to block it with steam to make it a little larger...it's my first time knitting with cotton, using Rowan Cotton Glace. Pretty color, though, don't you think? And it's not a Partridge in a Pear Tree, but how about this cheeky visitor to the apple tree outside our bedroom window a couple of days ago? In the few minutes I watched him, he devoured about 15 little apples! There are flocks of these sulphur-crested cockatoos that swoop into the trees in the yard here...very beautiful, raucous birds that can inflict a LOT of damage!
It's New Year's Eve in Exeter, and we'll probably do our usual: in bed by 9:30PM after a glass of champagne! I tellya, we're real ragers around here!

Hope you all have a safe and sane New Year's Eve. Here's wishing you all the best of all good things for 2008.


Patti said…
Wishing you a marvelous happy quilty new year also. And a remodeling that's finished in time with no major problems!
Libby said…
Happy New Year! All you folks in Oz can't cheat like the rest of us . . . we plan to celebrate at 3 p.m. local time when it will be the New Year for The Princess in Germany. That will allow us to go to bed early and guilt free *s*
Tonya Ricucci said…
I watched the Sydney fireworks celebrating the new year there. Very beautiful. We popped the champaign at 8am and were in bed long before midnight. Beautiful cockatoo - are the cats fascinated by him or terrified?
Rian said…
Oh, so that's how you make those sweaters!

Happy new year
Mary Johnson said…
Happy New Dianne! We were in by 10:15PM and I woke Keith up at midnight (he promptly fell back asleep!)
Are sulphur-crested cockatoos native Australians? Your bird is beautiful, but I guess he is a loud pest. His behavior doesn't match his beauty.
Anonymous said…
We stayed up to see both the French and UK New Year in - I'm still recovering! Saw the Sydney fireworks - they were brilliant.

Happy New Year to you. Hope you can get back into your new house soon. I'd love an outside kitchen!
House and knitting coming along nicely....happy New year, Tracey

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