That's Why We Call It "Fall" in the U.S....

So we are home, after an uneventful flight. DH still has a wretched cough, and finally went to the doctor yesterday -- secondary infection, following his bad cold of two weeks ago, resulting in the need for antibiotics and rest. Since the swine flu fear is everywhere, he is to avoid socializing until he is feeling better, and if he gets worse we must have a throat swab taken at the local hospital, just to be sure. No fever, though, so it's doubtful if it's anything but the result of overdoing work duties while he had a cold.

Add to that the fun of jet lag, and this is probably not our best week ever! Still, as you can see from the above photo, autumn has landed in Exeter big time. This is one of five big buckets of leaves that had accumulated outside our back door. Nice mulch for the perennials...

Not much sewing or knitting at the moment. Hope to be feeling more like doing something in a day or two.


Katharina said…
My hubby had a cough that lasted for four weeks plus and he was kind enough to share the virus with me. After four weeks of coughing, I stopped in our clinic and received antibiotics. It took four days on the drug before it got hold of the infection. Just a very mean, very lasting virus. I hope your DH is resting a lot and feels better soon.
yarnivorous said…
Hope that things are ok there. Some of the colds that have done the rounds here cling on for ages.
yarnivorous said…
Are you alive still? I am doing a quilt along!

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