Alive and Well and Kindle-ing in Oakland

Can you believe that before we left Australia I didn't get a photo of the completed quilt? Here's the best I can's all pinned together and laid out on the queen-size guest bed, so at least you can see how it fit. The quilting was a trial, but fun...I have such trouble stuffing large quilts through my home machine. I get stuck, then it all pops free and I get great big stitches, and other fun stuff. Still, Katie has now received the quilt and tells me she really, really likes it, and THAT's what's important! And here's what I've been up to lately: Kindle! With reassurance from some good Blog Buddies, I took the plunge, and I am totally in love...
Of course, as usual, here's the first thing we did when we arrived in Oakland. Can you see that happy smile? TACOS!
There has been knitting going on, too. This plain ribbed sock, made with gorgeous merino sock yarn from Piedmont Yarn Shop, knit on 2.25 bamboo DPNs. It's such a luscious color, I've decided to call these socks my Plain Strawberry Vanilla Socks.

And there's even been an FO (finished object) today. My first Kiri Shawl, in KnitPicks Swish DK in Forest Heather, knit on KP Options 4.5mm. I added some size 6/0 beads in a very pale green crystal and I think I'm going to like them. Once the shawl is dry, I'll try to get DH to take a pick of it being worn.

Other than that, it's been eating, drinking, walking the neighborhoods around our apartment, visiting family and friends and really enjoying life. We took a trip up to the Sierra Nevada Foothills over the weekend, visiting friends in Pioneer, and we even got a little rainstorm...unheard of in California in July!
Eight more days of play, and then we return to Oz. No hope at all that we'll have the same flight experience we had on the way up: the plane was madly oversold, and they bumped us to Business Class...what an incredible luxury!


floribunda said…
Isn't the Piedmont Yarn Shop lovely in their new location? I signed up for a 2-at-a-time socks class there later this month. Hope you're enjoying our little heat wave...
Mary Johnson said…
What a nice surprise -- I'm spoiled because Keith gets upgraded frequently due to his status with the airlines and lots of times I get bumped up too.

Enjoy your trip -- enjoy the Kindle!
Libby said…
Business class, tacos and a lovely quilt destined to be loved for a long time . . . sound like a great trip *s*
Tonya Ricucci said…
your quilt looks so great on the bed - awesome. I'm glad Katie loves it! Mmmm, mexican food.
yarnivorous said…
Rain? Here? In July? *blink*
Must meet up. Got any time? (Lost the mobile btw, can't call outside 408 area code.)
The old place looks *fantastic* :-)
Diane Perin said…
Wow! glad you're having fun in CA (and that the kindle is a hit). I'm totally impressed with your shawl! It's wonderful! I also had to laugh that tacos was your first California meal choice -- when I lived on the East Coast, I always wanted mexican food first thing (and continually) during my visits back to CA.

Hope the trip was fun (you are probably home by now) -- good luck on reentry into real life...
Hi, that looks fabulous, well done!1 The starts in the corners really make it pop!
You should be back in oz by now, hope everything is going well, Tracey

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