Spring is Springing Here, But Autumn's Coming to Maine

Well, I'm on a roll with Meret...this is my second one, made for my sister, Sheri, who lives in Maine. I'm modeling it here, and DH will mail it to Sheri from California next week. Turned out pretty well, I think. Such a fun pattern... Hope it fits, and she likes it! I'm also starting a new project...another Clapotis, but in a scarf size, instead of a wrap, using Malabrigo Sock in Indiecita. No pics yet, but soon, I hope. This will be a gift for my niece, Erin. Hope to deliver it in October.

It's warm and sunny here today and I'm loving the sunshine. Shouldn't get too wedded to it, though...more cold weather will be arriving next week. We arrived back here from California 10 days ago to trees laden with blossoms, but within a day or two the huge winds kicked up and soon the blooms were scattered all over the ground...sigh!

Kitties, donkeys and horses were all well and happy to see us home again. I celebrated the big 70th birthday during this last trip...just unbelievable to think I'm THAT old...LOL!


QuiltingFitzy said…
That MUST be a misprint...70? WOW, when I grow up, I wanna look half as good as you!

Belated birthday wishes!

Anxious for more pics.
floribunda said…
Happy Birthday, Dianne! Let's get together for tea when you're back in town...
Bells said…
you're not serious? 70?
scribblearts said…
For as long as I've known you, you've looked a good 20 years younger than you put out. Nice to see that some things never change!

Hope it was grand, Dianne!
Jan said…
70? A misprint surely. Happy Birthday.

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