Wow! Long Time, No Blog!

It's years since I tried posting anything to my blog.  Maybe the time has come to resurrect it?  Anyway, I'll give it a try.  Facebook has really put a crimp in my need to document comings, goings and doings, but lately it seems like there's so much extraneous stuff on my FB feed, maybe it's time to return to my blogging roots.

We are in California at the moment, preparing for a big jaunt to Europe in two weeks' time.  Trying to get my walking mojo back, so I can make the most of the time overseas and not feel too pooped.  Maybe the walking is a good place to start with this blog post.

A couple of pics from yesterday's walk in Glen Ellen's Regional Park, with very hot temperatures expected later in the day, so a relatively early start -- 8:20AM.  Should have started earlier!

Here are a couple of pics I took earlier in the week, a shot I was lucky to get of an incredible frog in the pond in the regional park...

And some gorgeous poppies I spotted in a neighbor's garden on my walk back home.

Oh, and I can't forget this "Lord of the Rings" shot I got of a culvert along the way that day.

Not much crafting at this point, since I doubt I'll be able to cram a knitting project into the luggage -- we take only carry-on luggage, even for this 12 week trip that will include Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan, before we return to Australia.  A real challenge to manage with only carry-on, but I think we'll be up to it.  But here's a shot of my most recent socks, completed just before we arrived in California this time -- already gifted to son, Greg, who loved them a lot.

Well, it's a start...let's see if blogging again will be in my future.


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