Blotspot Silly Buggers

Well, I tried to post this morning, but Blogspot is playing silly buggers again, so it all went bye-bye. Suffice to say, I tried to post that I'm going shopping this morning with my friend,! Will report on the damage to my credit card tomorrow...


Oh have fun!!! That sounds like a great day!
Tonya Ricucci said…
glad you made it back safely. spend spend spend - that's what I'm doing!
kirsten said…
Welcome to Australia! Is this a permanent move? Hope the copperhead has gone and the goannas have settled in!
Dianne said…
Here's hoping, Kirsty, that the copperhead has moved on. I doubt it, though. There are lots of snakes in the Southern Highlands, especially in farmland areas. I'm hoping the goannas will do their duty diligently, though. I understand a couple of them have taken up residence in our shed...

Yes, this is a more or less permanent move. We're keeping a condo in Californis, so we can visit family and friends a couple of times a year, but my husband, Ross, is Australian, and we'll be living near his family. Haven't lived in Australia for nearly 21 years...big changes!

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