And Another Thing...

Does anybody know why my photos aren't enlargeable when I post them? I'm saving them as ordinary jpeg files, but for some reason they don't get bigger when you click on them. They used to do it, not sure why they won't now.

Also, a big THANK YOU to everybody who responded about the Lady of the Lake quilt...I'm definitely going to go for the king size. Appreciate the little nudge I needed to make this decision.


dee said…
Hi Dianne, thanks so much for the nice things you said about my work-I believe you will see more of it soon. I'm so happy you stumbled across my blog-visit again soon. By the way-I went back to see the Lady of the Lake and it is really beautiful. Have a great Turkey day!
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

I've felt so guilty that I hadn't e-mailed you how to do links- been meaning to do it- and now I see that you have figured it out!

Hope you had a lovely day in your new home.

Hi, love your ebay quilts-what did we do without ebay? Pleased we have the snake thing worked out-have you bought your long rubber boots yet?
Pam said…
Hi Dianne. I have enjoyed reading your blog.

With the photos. I find that the pictures that I move after they are uploaded (to put them where I want them instead of the haphazard way they might upload) once the pictures have been moved they do not enlarge when you click on them. Could that be what has happened?
Laurie Ann said…
Mine weren't enlargeable either. I changed it so that when I downloaded them I set the format at "none" and medium size. Now they can be enlarged, but I don't know why.
Dianne said…
Thanks, Pam...I tried just accepting the photos as Blogger loaded them, without moving them around, and sure enough, they are enlargeable then...go figure!

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