Together, At Last!

The day we knew would come at last, has come at last! All kitties are home and safe, and we are SO happy to have them with us. Here's me, with Patch, who looked so miserable at the quarantine facility. Cloudy, his brother, is behind me, very blase, having a bath.
Chloe, one of our most scaredy-cat ex-ferals, contemplates a break-out, but decides the chook pen and it's fenced yard may be an ok place to hang out until we complete the renovations and extensions to the new house.
Cloudy is settling in very fast, and may be able to do some prowling around tomorrow, outside the cage. He's our most confident ex-feral.
Spike is our oldest cat...a female who was mis-identified by the first vet who saw her after we adopted her, but we just couldn't rename her. She's VERY happy to be back with us. And here's DH, Ross, with Patch, Alfonse le Soot and Cloudy, getting comfortable with the new space.
Didn't get photos of Frank, who was still so terrified he wouldn't come outside, and Cassie, who was busy at the food dish!
I hope these Jet Set Kitties will never need to travel this far from home again!
On a quilty note, I set up my new Bernina and did a little playing around with simple stitches. Got the BSR all plugged in and set up, but ran out of time to do any actual playing. It is a GORGEOUS machine, though, and feels like a real winner. I heard today that my new sewing cabinet and cutting table will be delivered tomorrow, along with a new bed so we can accommodate some overnight guests this weekend.
Hope to have a chance to post a pic of the new Bernie in its cabinet tomorrow.
Can you see me SMILING?!!!


The Calico Cat said…
YAY! Happy homecoming to all of those kitties! I'm smiling too.
Anonymous said…
Hooray for the kitties being home! Bet they are so happy to be with you again. KC Quilter
Nancy said…
I know you're soooo happy to have all your babies home with you now. :-)
Anonymous said…
hurrah, the kitties are home and you are sewing on the new Bernina. Excellent news.
Anonymous said…
Welcome home to all the furkids!
Have fun with that machine :)
May Britt said…
I am so happy for you and your cats. They're home. And what a place they got. I think they are going to love their new home.
Laurie Ann said…
I am so glad that all the kitties are home and happy. That looks like a really neat place for them to hang out while they acclimate.
Dorothy said…
I can see you beaming, all the way over here. Your kitties look happy in their new home - will they be romming with actual chickens too? (Now THAT would be "Odd Couple" living arrangements!)
Libby said…
So glad to see you have all of your family in one place again. Enjoy *s*
Congratulations! Everyone is safe, happy and a new space to play, what more could you ask for!
Jenni said…
Glad the pusscats are home now. The shame of being locked in the chook pen!
Tanya said…
So glad to hear that the cats are all home and happy. I've been thinking about them for the past few weeks. Hope to hear more about your quilting projects too. Tanya
Clare said…
See you smiling? I hear the happiness from here! Cats home and sewing again. What more can you ask for.
Lily Mulholland said…
Hooray Dianne :)

That's a lotta cats!! They look like they're settling in okay. Bet they're very happy to see you and Ross.

yay for the new sewing machine, table and bed!

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