In Memoriam

My mother passed away last night in California, after a long struggle with Alzheimer's, at age 86. She had been living in a very caring residential care facility for the past few years, following a stroke, and after suffering a second stroke a couple of weeks ago, she finally has found release from her suffering and is at peace.

She lived a long and interesting life. Born in the Texas Panhandle in February of 1921, the youngest of 10 children, she and her older sister hitchhiked to California during the Great Depression to live with relatives there, as it was too difficult for her own mother to take care of all 10 children and give them the help they needed to make a good start in life. They arrived safely in California, where she lived for the rest of her life.

She was not a quilter, but did beautiful knitting and crochet. She loved to garden, and enjoyed a succession of lovely cats. I like to think of her with a cat or two on her lap, enjoying the warmth and fluffiness of their coats, and the comfort they brought to her.

Here's a picture taken early in her illness, with a little "knee quilt" I made for her to keep them warm after her knee replacement surgery.

Rest well, Mom. Tracy, Sheri and I will miss you sorely.


Melzie said…
((hugs)) to you she is very beautiful. xox melzie
May Britt said…
A big hug from me. Be strong. Remember the good days you have had together.
McIrish Annie said…
Dianne, I am so sorry for your loss! You are in my thoughts. Know that your mom is in a better place
Tanya said…
Oh Diane, I'm so sorry. What a hard posting that mush have been to write. Will you be going back to Califonia for a bit? I too, have an 84 year old mother in poor health in California but from Japan, there is not much I can do but wait for reports. I'm not sure it would be easier watching the changes but I know it is hard to be far away too. I'm sure your mother wanted the best for you even if it meant you were far away. Please find the good things to remember and chose to carry on one of your mother's special talents. Much love and many prayers for you during the following days. Let me know how you are feeling.
dot said…
My prayers are with you and your family. Sounds like she was a wonderful mother. We just went through the loss of my MIL in Jan. It does get better with time but the memories are always with us. Take care.
kirsten said…
Sending hugs. She is a beautiful woman and you look very much like her. Your mother's story of traveling to California sounds remarkable.
My sympathies to you and your family.
Sweet P said…
Hugs and prayers coming your way. Alzheimer's is such an ugly disease. I know your mother is in a better place now.
Libby said…
Dianne - sending hugs and prayers to you. Keep all your good memories close for comfort - they'll bring a smile to your face when you are feeling sad.
QuiltingFitzy said…
Memories last forever.

You wrote a very nice tribute, please print it and save it with some of her things.

Many hugs.
Judith said…
A big hug. I am sorry for your loss.
Lily Mulholland said…
So sorry to hear of your loss Dianne, but glad that it is a release for you all. The body is willing and all that. And lovely knee quilt - she looks very happy in that photo. Big hugs.
Laurie Ann said…
So sorry to hear about your dear mother. You are in my prayers.
Rian said…
Sad news. It's never easy to lose your mom.

Thanks for sharing with us a slice of her life. My condolences.
Anonymous said…
Not only was Aunt Estelle my mother's sister-in-law she was her friend. As far as we were concerned there was no in-law there. Ever. My Aunt Estelle was beautiful. I mean a knock out beauty. Something that doesn't show in the pictures was her dimples. If she smiled her eyes lit up and those dimples would flash. My love to Sheri, Tracy and Dianne
Such sad news. I am sorry.

But what an interesting mother you had. Imagine "...she and her older sister hitchhiked to California during the Great Depression..." No wonder you have the spirit of adventure too.

She was beautiful.
Clare said…
Dianne. Sorry to read of your loss. Alzheimers is a horrible disease so she is a peace now. Sending you big hugs.

Did she had down to you any of her stores of hitching to California?

Lucy said…
I sorry for your loss! Your family are is in my thoughts!
You are in my thoughts, hugs, Tracey
Tonya Ricucci said…
I'm so sorry about your mother, Dianne. Alzheimer's is a cruel disease. big hugs.
Sassenach said…
My condolences. You wrote a lovely bio.
Jenni said…
So sorry Dianne.
Oh I'm so sorry to read the news about your mom. So hard to know she is gone, and yet feeling happy that she isn't suffering from that nasty disease any longer.

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