In Memoriam

She lived a long and interesting life. Born in the Texas Panhandle in February of 1921, the youngest of 10 children, she and her older sister hitchhiked to California during the Great Depression to live with relatives there, as it was too difficult for her own mother to take care of all 10 children and give them the help they needed to make a good start in life. They arrived safely in California, where she lived for the rest of her life.
She was not a quilter, but did beautiful knitting and crochet. She loved to garden, and enjoyed a succession of lovely cats. I like to think of her with a cat or two on her lap, enjoying the warmth and fluffiness of their coats, and the comfort they brought to her.
Here's a picture taken early in her illness, with a little "knee quilt" I made for her to keep them warm after her knee replacement surgery.

Rest well, Mom. Tracy, Sheri and I will miss you sorely.
You wrote a very nice tribute, please print it and save it with some of her things.
Many hugs.
Thanks for sharing with us a slice of her life. My condolences.
Such sad news. I am sorry.
But what an interesting mother you had. Imagine "...she and her older sister hitchhiked to California during the Great Depression..." No wonder you have the spirit of adventure too.
She was beautiful.
Did she had down to you any of her stores of hitching to California?