Rain, Rain Everywhere...

As you can see, our dam is overflowing this morning. We're hoping the downhill side of the dam will hold, otherwise there's going to be a big flood of water cascading down our hill!
Here's DH trudging out to attempt to improve the capacity of our spillway...my hero!
We couldn't leave the cats in their little chicken coop and yard because it's just not weatherproof at all. You can actually see through the mortar holding the bricks together in places, and the roof is a joke. It was freezing, wet and mucky out there, and I wasn't sleeping for worrying about the cats. So, yesterday we moved them into the laundry in the house: During the day, those who want to venture outside have a staging area on this little porch outside the kitchen. As you can see, it isn't weather-proof either. Fortunately the house has remained dry, may THAT continue to be so!

And here are the three fat ladies settled into the cupboard in the laundry room. They rarely venture out, preferring to sleep away the storm in comfort. Their four siblings are in and out, being more adventurous, but all come inside to sleep for the night. You can barely see Cassie in her donut on the top shelf, but Spike (on the left) and Chloe (on the right) were more willing to be photogenic. As for me, you'll find me on the sofa, snuggled up under a blanket, with either my computer on my lap or the second of the red socks, nearing completion. I think we'll venture out this afternoon, though...I'm so sick of my own cooking I could scream...


Anonymous said…
Acouple of months back, I swore I wouldn't complain if it rained, we needed it so badly. I'm starting to waver on that a little bit ;)
Wow! I guess I never knew it rained that much in Aussie Land!
Jenni said…
So marvellous to get all that rain. Lucky you. The cats certainly look comfortable in the cupboard.
Lily Mulholland said…
Look at all that rain! Wow what a turn-around.

Spike's colouring looks a lot like Bashka's. Cute nook for your feline friends :)
Tonya Ricucci said…
I hope you get some sunshine soon. the cats looks so cozy there on the shelves. hope you get to go out for a delicious meal soon too.
Rian said…
It's a drag, but you really need the rain badly down there. A good time for quilting. Or knitting.

Stay dry.
You are obviously getting the tail end of all the trouble, we are just comfortably sodden-is there no middle ground!! Tracey
Libby said…
The kitties have just the right idea for whiling away the hours of a rainy day *s*
Tanya said…
The kitties look comfortable. Do the cats always get to wander around the grounds? I have wanted to let my cats out of the house but I'm afraid they'd get lost or hit or taken out by a crow or something. Glad you are all warm and dry!
Wendy said…
The cats have the right idea, to sleep away the rainy days. I too would curl up with my knitting or stitching and keep dry.
The Calico Cat said…
That cupboard photo is so cute... Mine will sneak in and sleep ont he towels - if we don't close the door. He has been stuck in there all day before...
We need an update. Did the dam hold? Are you wet?

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