Keepin' On Keepin' On...

Woo-hoo! Finished, and aren't they wonderful? This was SUCH a fun knit..and very fast, too. Yarn is Pagewood Farms Chugiak Merino in Grape Juice, and the pattern is the Cable Twist Socks...using that wonderful left twist: Following the example of Pat, I knit these with sock yarn, rather than sport weight, and they fit like a dream!

So, I'm making good progress on the Hemlock Ring Blanket, following the charts from The Rainey Sisters and Brooklyn Tweed. This is knit with Bendigo Woollen Mills Rustic 12 Ply, in the color Russet, a rich mahogany-redwood color. I'm approaching the end, although you can't tell from this picture: it just looks like a big blob...a common failing when trying to photograph a circular shawl while it's still on the needles. Only 4 more plain rows to go, and then the final border. I finished piecing the blocks for Katie Rose's Big Girl Quilt:

These blocks are 9", and the sashing will be 2" with the cornerstones forming stars. I'll choose the fabric for that while I'm in California next month, as well as some super fabric for a wide-ish border all around.

And just for fun, here are some gratuitous kitty shots taken a couple of days ago when it was boiling hot here. Cloudy was lounging on the settee as close to the Pi Shawl as possible. He loves that shawl, and I'm constantly moving it out of the way so he doesn't suckle it to death!

Patch was distressed to hear the little musical chime that indicates I'm opening the cover on the digital camera, but he hung around long enough for me to get this shot, before he scuttled under the bed to hide until it was "safe" again!

Meanwhile, Alfonse was lounging on the cool grass under the big elm tree, enjoying having the yard to grey brothers around to beat him up.

So other than what you see here, I've been trawling the net to find patterns and yarns to occupy myself during my FIVE GLORIOUS WEEKS (!!) in California. So far, I have ordered some Peace Fleece in Volgasippi Blue to make to make an Acer Caridgan, shamelessly copying the above-referenced Pat, who has impeccable taste.
I'm also mulling over lots of quilty ideas. I keep seeing gorgeous quilts on everyone else's blogs and immediately want to make them all. (Of course, this NEVER happens to any of you!) So I think I need to start collecting some bright, hot colors in batik, for a quilt for our bed in winter, when it's cold and depressing outside. And some brown, grey, neutral fabrics for another quilt for warmer times of the year. And I feel the urge to make another log cabin quilt, and a square in a square quilt, and, and, and....
I'm just in love with the Amanda Jacket (Ravelry link) and I've been looking at Beaverslide yarn, maybe in Prairie Aster but I haven't decided on the color yet.
I'd like to take some socks on the airplane so I won't be too bored, but after having two sets of bamboo needles decapitated once before, I'm reluctant. I have some pink Louet Gems yarn that's been in my stash awhile, and I'm thinking it would look good in Marguerite (Stitches of Violet)'s Shetland Lace Rib pattern.
In addition, I accidentally bought some cashmere laceweight from Yubina the other day, and the Knitting Pixie's Luscious Lace Scarf (Ravelry link) has its name on that, I think.
So as you see, I've got lots to think about and organize as I get ready for my trip. Hope you are all having fun and making plans, too!


Laura said…
I can't believe you made those socks, wow!!! I have always wanted to make a patchwork quilt out of old clothes-- which is crazy since I don't even know how to sew.
Anonymous said…
The socks look gorgeous in purple! I look forward to seeing your Hemlock blob unfold into beauty!
I really like the Volgassippi - I think it's the perfect blue for a jeans sweater! Have fun with Acer...
beautiful cats! your knitting is neat, I wish i could make socks too. I must take lessons sometime and see if knitting is for me. The scrappy quilt is nice too - like all the pinks.
Carol said…
What a plethora of beautiful photographs. Love all the kitty photographs, can't help myself. As for the hemlock blanket, it looks fabulous and I can imagine it because I've seen Bells blanket pictures. The colour you chose will be spectacular. Love the socks too.
Bells said…
everything is looking so great. Love those socks Dianne. Fabulous.

Not long til you've got yourself a finished hemlock - it's really very fast isn't it?
Your socks are wonderful! What a fun design (and color)! And I'm loving that string quilt!

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