Some Quilts...

So, I started quilting in 1999, and the first few quilts I made were for my grandkids, and a couple were donations to my local humane society to be auctioned.

Then I decided to made a quilt for each member of my family...quite an undertaking!

So, here is one I made for my's a nap quilt...Dad loved to fish, but by the time I made this quilt he was having problems with his legs and couldn't really manage standing in a cold river to fish any more. So this quilt is called River Dreams. Dad used it and loved it...but he died early last year at nearly 87 years. I'm so glad I got to this quilt in time. (Well, the image I put here got erased when I was correcting a typo in the text, and blogger won't upload it again...WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? Makes me SO mad!)

And here's one I made for my DS. He's a lawyer, a big reader, and an Oakland A's fan. So I used Christine Thresh's bookcase quilt pattern to make this quilt. Greg loved an earlier quilt I'd made for us using log cabin blocks, so I used those as the border, and called the quilt Log Cabin Library.

My FIL in Australia was next on the list...he was a book publisher for years, so I made another bookcase quilt for him, but placed photos on the shelves among the books. The photos were from his wedding to my MIL, him in uniform in WWII, family photos, etc. He was so thrilled to receive it he called me on the phone and was crying so hard I couldn't tell who it was at first!

After 9/11, eQuilter asked people to make quilts for older children and young adults, so I decided to make this quilt. On the label on the back I used a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The life of man is a self-evolving circle, which from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outward to new and larger cirles, and that without end." I hope whoever received the quilt found some comfort in it.

So anyway, I just thought I'd share a few of my quilts. Maybe I'll do something similar for all the kids' quilts I've made in another post...


Marlublu said…
I am so glad I ran into your blog. I love your book shelve quilts.That pattern would be perfect for one of my sons who just went back to Graduate school and will probably keep going after that. We are both book freaks so I will see where I can find that pattern. I also liked the Emerson quote.I saved it.
Sweet P said…
I love your bookshelves quilts. I've been thinking about making one for me because I can be a bookworm.
Dianne said…
Thanks, Eseemarlu,

If you go to Christine Thresh's website:, you'll find her pattern for the bookcase quilts. Lots of fun to make, and really easy, too!

Lily Mulholland said…
Ooooh I love the bookcase quilts. What a great idea!

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