A Corona Virus Quarantine Journal, Day Three

Day 3 included three video chats with friends and family, a real saving grace.  What did we ever do before Face Time, Zoom and Messenger Video Chat?  It's a blessing for us shut-ins, for sure.  And our internet connection seems to be up to the challenge, which is also a wonderful boon.

I thought it might be interesting to show you the meals we received yesterday.  [This was the last day of our set menu experience, and starting today (Sunday) we begin the new routine of two menu item selections for each meal.  It will be interesting to see if the meals are different in quality or quantity from the set menu or not.]  Unfortunately, I forgot to photograph the breakfast omelet, which was good, accompanied by two small hash brown potato patties (yum!) and a sausage (not so yum).  But I did take a pic of the lovely little mini pastries that came with:

These seem to come with breakfast every morning, and neither of us can resist them.  We may gain a few pounds during our stay here!

Lunch always seems to be the best meal -- at least so far.  Yesterday was no exception:  Chicken Breast Chunks in a Creamy Sauce with Sautéed Spinach and a Light Cream Sauce:

The cheesecake for dessert was also tasty, but we both only had a bite or two to try it out.  We do have to show SOME restraint!

There was a delivery during the afternoon of some staple items we hadn't requested but they anticipated we might need:  half a dozen shampoo and conditioners, a box of tissues, more plastic bin liners.  They are pretty heads-up about trying to be ahead of the curve on our needs.

Dinner was good, though we weren't certain whether it was beef or lamb.  A bit spicy, over rice, in a nice sauce.  More than either of us could eat, so we just picked at it.  The green salad with balsamic dressing was tasty and very welcome.  We had been feeling we needed veggies.  There were also a couple of custards for dessert that were not appealing, so we skipped those.  Still no news on a better wine option for us to order, so I was reduced to a glass of the ho-hum Shiraz Cabernet from yesterday.  Ross wasn't tempted, so he tee-totaled.  Hoping they get the wine situation sorted out soon.

The surprise in the dinner bag was this little flyer -- coffee and cake is available for delivery.  Welcome news, indeed!  The only fly in the ointment is that they aren't open on Sunday, so we haven't been able to try it yet.  Will report later on whether the coffee arrives still hot, and what the pastries are like.  Stay tuned!

Our last order of the day, after an excellent suggestion from our nearby friend, Sara, was to place an online order for fresh fruit and treats from a local grocery chain.  We first tried Woolworth's (Woolies, in the local vernacular - very similar chain to Safeway in the States), but Ross got wrapped around the axles on their not-helpful website and the order wouldn't allow itself to be submitted.  He tried again with Cole's (the other big local grocery chain here) and sailed right through.  So, tomorrow we'll have a delivery of grapes, apples, bananas, blueberries, plus the guilty pleasures of brie, crackers (biscuits to you local types), and licorice all-sorts for me -- Ross doesn't approve, but indulges my addiction.

As my friend, Lynne, would say...Anon!


Jenn said…
I'm really enjoying your posts! I found you on Ravelry (we're "neighbors") and added you there. Thank you for sharing your experiences in quarantine. I hope they find a better wine for you!
Nicole said…
What a welcome change to be able to choose your preferences from a menu. I can well imagine that without much exercise or other stimulation that your appetites might not be very hearty. Your description of the beef stew and potatoes with a side of potato salad was hilarious. You will do much better making your own selections! You can go as light as you please. It is mean to tempt you with those desserts though! And I would be very unhappy without a good bottle of wine every night. We California girls need our wine.

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