A Coronavirus Quarantine Journal, Day Four

Have to say, on Day Four we were pretty much slobs.  Hung around in/on the bed most of the day, chatting with friends on video chat, reading the news of the world on our computers, occasionally looking out at the world through our window.  We discovered there is a guard in the courtyard, patrolling all the time, looking up at windows.  We wondered whether anyone has ever tried to escape that way...9 floors (or more) to the ground.  Those on the balcony floors could tie sheets together, I suppose, if they had more sheets.  The idle brain wonders!

I came across a magazine article online about the quarantine hotels featuring our hotel -- lots of good info and some photos that show more of the building. Quite an interesting read:  https://www.traveller.com.au/travel-and-covid19-welcome-to-hotel-pandemic-2020-inside-one-of-australias-most-luxurious-hotels-during-quarantine-h1nksb

It was Mother's Day, and our breakfast had a nice little surprise:  special little cakes to change it from regular breakfast into "High Tea"...a nice touch.  And the scrambled eggs were really tasty, but what a huge pile...I only managed half, or less...

Got into a new book, Cherokee America, by Margaret Verble.  Very unusual story, quirkily told  -- I keep finding myself smiling or laughing at the sly, tongue-in-cheek, drily presented comments hidden in the story.  A good read.

Along came lunch, and it was amazing how hungry we both were.  We scarfed up the whole thing, and I forgot to take a photo beforehand!  I know Ross had a Salmon Wrap, and mine was another of those beef and pearl barley combos, a little spicy and very good.  

A nice chat with our friend from the airplane, just down the hall, on Face Time.  She cleverly brought her yoga mat along, so she spent 2 hours (!!!) at yoga.  Of course, she's much younger than I am!  She tipped us off about the guard patrolling the courtyard, so Ross had a look, and sure enough, there he was.  Lots of people spend time at their windows, and give cheery little waves when you catch each other's eye.

The nurse rang again, and Ross thought to ask how many people are staying in this hotel under quarantine.  I was amazed to hear it's more than 300 people.  When asked whether they ever discover people who actually have symptoms of Covid-19, she replied, "Oh, yes, regularly."  Apparently if you become ill and they suspect it's the virus, you are tested and taken off immediately to another hotel that houses only those who have the virus.  She said the isolation requirements are even more stringent at these hotels, as you would imagine, and the place is entirely and strictly locked down and controlled by the military, whereas here it's mainly under the control of the police, with military personnel handling certain tasks, like delivering meals, collecting rubbish, and patrolling the floors.

Before we knew it, we heard the knock on the door announcing dinner.  This one was so tasty we dug right in and I nearly forgot a photo, again.  In the nick of time, I jumped up to memorialize it...spicy eggplant and beef with green beans, pearl barley and little garbanzo beans...yum!  The green salad included kalamata olives, hard-boiled egg, tomato, greens and salmon.  We were too full for dessert!

The menu for Tuesday was included.  It feels a bit odd to make selections for things you might want to eat the day after tomorrow, but it's all good.

No knitting at all, yet, but I may get to it today (Monday).  That cowl and pair of socks sure aren't going to knit themselves!  I finished a cowl just before we left California, and the one I have with me will be the same pattern.  Thought you might be interested to see the California one modeled, so here it is.  Please ignore the lack of make-up (and the wet grey hair springing forth everywhere!(...this model just didn't take her modeling duties seriously enough...


Unknown said…
So does the Cowl do double duty as a face covering? Always nice to have options!
Dianne said…
Hi, Unknown (is that you, Carla?). Yes, I did use the cowl to cover my face when we slept on the plane, too...worked really well, and kept the light out, two!
Unknown said…
Hi Dianne,

No, this is Chris Molinelli. I enjoyed reading your blog. I look forward to seeing the end result... You home!

Cheers, Chris
Dianne said…
Hi, Chris! So glad to see you on the blog. Yes, today is Day 10, and only 4 more days to go. REALLY looking forward to it!
Nicole said…
Your cowl is lovely. With the onset of cooler weather, you will put it to good use I am sure. It's a good thing the food is so varied and delicious at your hotel. It would be very easy to have mealtime become the high point of your day! I cannot believe there are 300 people quarantining in your hotel. That is a big surprise to me too. I've got your book recommendation "Cherokee America" in my Amazon shopping cart. Thanks for the suggestion.

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