A Coronavirus Quarantine Journal, Day 12

A beautiful morning in Sydney this morning...

We were very interested to see the promised concert on the terrace this evening, but we still had a full day of eating ahead of us before that.  A real shock to the system when we saw breakfast...Cocoa Puffs?!!  Uh, no.  Those hit the rubbish quick smart, and we shared the Rice Bubbles, aka Rice Krispies, for the Yanks.  All the usual suspects were in the bag, and we did not hold back.


Then on to our favorite spots to peruse the news of the day, check email, browse the 'Net, as you do.

A knock at the door before lunch had us a bit puzzled.  Checking the door, we found a mystery bag awaiting us.  Remember that thank you note I sent to the hotel a day or two ago?  I think they decided to thank us for our thank you!  We thought about adding the gift bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to lunch, but reconsidered.  It would have been a nice accompaniment to that Spaghetti Carbonara, though. Then a couple of hours later another bottle arrived, this time a bottle of Brut for our dinner, and some sweet macaroons. 

The afternoon drifted by, and we saw people beginning to set up the stage for the concert on the terrace.

As it's getting dark earlier Down Under, by the time our dinner was delivered the concert was already underway and people were gazing out their windows at the show.  

 We watched the singers a bit, then grabbed a bite to eat, then back to the concert.  The Basque Chicken with Roasted Potatoes was very good.  The bubbles were a nice touch, too.

Everyone was loving the music -- everything from opera to show tunes to popular classics to Tina Turner! -- Oh Mio Bambino Caro, You'll Never Walk Alone, Alleluia, Proud Mary.   As it got darker, people waved their iPhones with the flashlights turned on, to participate.  Those with balconies rocked out, and danced up a storm.  They had much better sound, and could show their appreciation 
with their  applause.

It was a really special ending to this very unusual experience we are all having together.  And now, on to our final day in quarantine...hooray!


Nicole said…
You are on the final stretch! The concert must have been such fun--especially if one had a balcony. It was nice that there was such a varied mix of music styles; something for everyone. I can see how a pack of Cocoa Puffs would be a bit of a let down after the breakfasts you have become accustomed too. Enjoy your last day of enforced rest, for very soon you will be able to stretch your legs for real!
Carol in Texas said…
Can I get your blog by email? What an interesting experience you all are having! Carol in Texas
Lynn C. said…
I have very much enjoyed reading your Quarantine Journal. You have a wonderful sense of humor, making the best of a situation that you cannot change.
You should be sprung soon, released from the pressure to eat, eat, eat. Thank you for the snapshots of your experience during the time of Covid-19.
Sue said…
Thank you for sharing your journey. I found you via Nicole's blog and will continue to follow. Stay well.
Unknown said…
You are in the home stretch! Won't your own bed at home feel soooo good! Safe travels on your final stretch of the journey.

Cheers, Chris

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