A Coronavirus Quarantine Journal, Day Six

A quiet quarantine day today, with a few video calls with friends.  With so little happening in our day, we continue to feel that the highlight is meal delivery.  Ross says we are rather like the animals at the zoo:  "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...here comes the food!  Wonder what we'll get to eat today!  Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"

Breakfast did not disappoint -- this was a frittata with mushrooms and chicken herb sausage, plus the usual Viennoise pastries.  Having feet of clay, we scarfed up the pastries, too!

As you may have seen on my Facebook page, one highlight of the day was our success in ordering two "real coffee" lattes -- after days of that horrid instant coffee.  Adora came through with two absolutely delicious large lattes, piping hot, and a cute little chocolate truffle to boot.  This was an absolute high point for me...I really hadn't realized just how much I was missing real coffee.  Thanks, Adora!  You'll definitely be hearing from us again, very soon.

A bit of video chatting, a lot of loafing around reading, knitting and internet browsing and then?  You guessed it, LUNCH!

These little veggie quiches were tasty, and the greens very welcome.  And how about that watermelon?!  Refreshing and very welcome.

The Saturday menu was delivered, too, and we spent some time debating our choices.  Hmmm, 
Continental Brekkie or Frittata?  Smoked salmon or Slow-Roasted Lamb?  Beef Pie with Mash or Barramundi?  I tell ya, our day is just filled with tough choices!

More loafing around -- well, full disclosure, I did have to wash out a few clothes.  I had to, really, because Ross had done his the day before, and I had to hold up my part of the bargain, didn't I?  So the bathroom soon looked like a steamy laundry.

Dinner arrived, and feeling very cosmopolitan, we opened that Sauvignon Blanc we had ordered the day before, and mighty tasty it was, too.  Dinner was very meaty:  Roast Turkey and Potatoes for Ross, and Beef Brisket and Mash for me.  The green beans were a crunchy, welcome addition.  And pine nuts in the salad...bliss!

Contented tummies, and feeling mellow from a nice glass of wine, the zoo animals headed for Dreamland.  Nearly half-way through our quarantine...hooray!


Nicole said…
Ah, wine at last. It's almost 5:00 here, and I am tempted to pour myself a glass in your honor. I laughed at your description of feeling like zoo animals at feeding time! I had not thought of the laundry issue. Hmmm, hope you brought lightweight things you can easily do in the bathroom sink. Jeans would be pretty impossible I imagine. Oh well, you are stuck in a tiny room for two weeks. I'd probably never change out of my jammies.
Nicole said…
Yup. I decided it was the right thing to do, to have a glass in your honor. Toasting you now....Cheers!

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