A Coronavirus Quarantine Journal, Day 11

Time grows short for this quarantine journal...today is Monday, May 18, as I write about our action-packed day yesterday...and if you believe that, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you.  What's that?  Getting a bit snarky, you say?  "%*&@ #+(,!", I reply.  Hah!  There's just today and tomorrow to report on, and Wednesday we're outta here.

Breakfast arrived, and we felt our day had begun.  Have to admit, I am going to miss those flaky little croissants each morning.

There was a welcome announcement in the bag with our breakfast goodies - on Monday night (tonight) we will have a nice live concert in the terrace below our window, featuring three opera singers.  This is a very nice touch, and I'm sure we will all appreciate the entertainment.  I think they've provided the Instagram live feed, as well, since so many of us won't be able to open our windows to enjoy the sound.  A very nice touch, I think.

During our daily check-in phone call from the Nurse's Station, we learned that the hotel will have a little hiatus from quarantine guests once the current groups have departed. After our departure Wednesday, and the group after us leaves Thursday, the hotel will close for a couple of weeks for a thorough cleaning. Other hotels in Sydney will accommodate incoming people needing quarantine, and then the Sofitel Wentworth will again pick up the gauntlet again for incoming flights as the need presents.  She said the hotel has already opened the top two floors of this hotel to non-quarantine guests, but there are none staying here at present since people aren't traveling yet.  That will change over time, as travel restrictions are lifted.

I'm sad to report that your intrepid journal writer fell down on her job at lunch, and somehow lost the photo she took of our lunch on Day 11...which was too bad because it was really good:  Mushroom Ravioli with Porcini Cream Sauce.  However, she gets extra points for sharing this treat with her Better Half, because his Lamb and Lebanese Tabouli was so fatty and bland that he decided to give it a miss.  

And so, we'll draw the veil, and move right along to dinner, a very tasty Kung Pao Chicken with Noodle Salad and Rice.  To be truthful, the noodle salad was so totally without flavor that we both decided to forego it, as well as the Coconut Mousse Cake.  The chicken was very tasty, though, and we polished off the half-bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to accompany it.

Settled in to read my new book for awhile, before choosing which Netflix entertainment would round out my evening, feeling the need for a sweet treat, and reached for the trusty Licorice All-Sorts...

Oh, no!  This is serious!  Once these remaining few are gone, that's it.  Well THAT took about 5 minutes to accomplish.  I guess this makes it official...it's definitely time to go.

Forgot to mention the other item in our dinner bag this evening.  They must think we are REALLY fond of instant coffee...

We added these to the stash in the kettle cupboard for the next inhabitants.  Actually, I doubt that will happen.  My suspicion is that everything consumable or usable (tea, coffee, milk, butter, jam, lotions, soap, shampoo, etc.) will likely be binned before the next guests arrive.  Doubt they would want to risk any lurking coronavirus bits hanging around...

Did I ever mention to you the it takes 12 steps to get from our door, across the room to our window?  1, 2, 3, 5, ...


Nicole said…
I am so enjoying your quarantine updates! I had the wrong blog address at first, so I was only seeing Day one. Silly me. It won't be long now and you will be free. What is the first thing you want to do besides have a big cup of good coffee? I bet a long walk around the block sounds good too. The opera singers tonight sound like a welcome change of your routine. Can't wait to hear how it was. Hang in there. Only a few more days....
Cousin Joe said…
The last day of each trip we make to France we buy several boxes of those Nescafe tubes. In fact, that's the only coffee I drink at home, anymore. Haven't seen Blend 43, but Special Filtre, Fine Mousse, and Espresso are all great. I've introduced these to guests who then go online and order them.

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